Bone Fracture

                       Fracture of a bone can occur at any time to anybody, during a fall, or an accident, and at times due to osteoporosis, and bone cancer. Whatever the case, it requires immediate attention. The Ayurvedic term for fracture is Bhagna. Ayurveda offers effective treatment for rejoining bones and restoring them to their original form and strength.

                       In Ayurveda, bone fractures are classified into two types “ dislocation and fracture. Ayurveda adopts the ˜touch and analyze method for diagnosis. The diagnosis is made by touching and analysing the appearance of the affected part. The treatment methods adopted are bone setting, medicines, therapies, splints or slings, as required. Splints are made with bamboo pieces in different shapes and thickness.

                       Dislocation and fracture are the common issue referred under bone fracture. The treatment for fracture includes bone setting, therapies, splints or slings and medicines as required. Our experienced staffs and unique treatment methods made us pioneer in fracture treatment and also the best ayurvedic hospital in Kerala for fracture treatment. We can handle any kind of fractures no matter how critical it is.

Symptoms of Bone Fracture

. Swelling
. Bruising
. Pain
. Difficulty in moving the fractured part

Types of Bone Fracture
Treatments of Bone Fracture

                       In fact, bone setting is a special art that requires practical knowledge. It involves pulling and adjusting the bones gently, back to their original position. Thereafter, herbal medicines in the form of pastes are applied to rejoin the splints and the bones. When joining, the bones, muscle, ligaments and tendons are also healed.

                       One of the main advantages of ayurvedic treatment for bone fracture or dislocation, is its external and internal use of herbal medicines in various forms, which shows great results in reducing pain, healing wounds, and joining bones. Some ingredients used when making such medicines are egg white, wheat flour, milk, ghee and sugar, along with herbal pastes such as Kasamarda and Kumari.

                       Oil massage therapies are also a popular method adopted in Ayurveda, in shaping the bones back to their original form. Methods such as steaming, and application of herbal pastes, also reduce pain and inflammation. Depending on the condition of the patient, Pancha karma Therapy is also done